Found 30 Days Free Trial
Depending on where you purchased, your Found might come with a 30-days free trial that gives access to all premium features. During that time you will be able to access all Found tracking modes.
Activating your Found 30 Days Free trial
To activate your 30 days Free trial, just Download the Pebblebee app, and follow the in-app instructions to add your device.
The 30 days will start counting at the moment you add your device and activate it to your account. You will not be charged any amount during the activation. At the end of the trial, your device will be automatically signed up for a 1-year premium subscription unless you ask to opt out. Once your trial is about to expire, you will receive an email from us.
What happens after the 30 Days Free trial is over?
When your 30-days Free trial expires, you can still use it as a Bluetooth-only tracker. To get the most out of your device, we suggest adding one of our premium subscriptions to get uninterrupted cellular tracking everywhere where LTE-M coverage is available.
If you do not wish to add a subscription, you can continue using your Pebblebee Found as a Bluetooth-only device. It will still track your device, but it will not be able to track your valuables in case they go out of Bluetooth range.
Your 30 Days Free trial can't be transferred
After you have activated your Found, you will not be able to re-activate it in another account. Please contact our customer support at if you are having issues accessing the email you used to set up your Found.
You can still remove and re-add the Found under the same email account. If you remove your device, it will NOT pause your trial, but you can still resume using it while the period has not expired.