Get Directions To Your Device

Updated by Angela

This article references the Pebblebee app, which has been renamed to Pebblebee Tracking. While the app's functionality remains unchanged, all mentions of the Pebblebee app in this article now refer to Pebblebee Tracking. Learn more about this transition here.

Directions in the Pebblebee app help guide and provide directions from your phone's current location to the device's last known location.

  1. Open the Pebblebee app.
  2. Click on the Devices tab, at the bottom center of your screen.
  3. Choose and click on one of your devices.
  4. On the right of the last known location and address, you will see a blue button with a white arrow.
  5. Tap on the arrow.
  6. Select your app preference to open your device's directions on the map.

The direction feature is best suited for long distances (driving distance). To find the directions for a nearby device, please check: Buzzing and finding your items.

The Directions feature is set to show driving directions to your device. If the device is within a walking distance, switch to walking on your map options.

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